Craniosacral Massage (Levels Intro, I and II ) IN PERSON (15 hours Intro and CS I; 12 hours for CS II – Intro or instructor permission required for CS I,  Intro and CS 1 prerequisite for CS II )

Course Description:  Craniosacral Massage is a gentle yet powerful form of bodywork developed by osteopathic physicians under principles that 1) the body is a whole, 2) structure and function are interrelated , 3) the body has the inherent capacity to defend and repair itself and 4) movement of body fluids is essential to the maintenance of health. 

Through freeing restrictions in the movements of the cranial bones and sacrum, CSM directly influences the central nervous system and the fascia.  The techniques are not invasive and can be performed with the client clothed.  CSM is used to address pain and dysfunction throughout the body.  CSM can also calm physical and emotional trauma and spur individual personal growth.

The introductory course introduces the history and basic concepts of Craniosacral Massage where you learn to work in reverence with the Craniosacral system, how to feel for the Cranial Wave and a basic protocol of preliminary techniques that you can practice alone or integrate into a massage session. Craniosacral 1 builds on the skills practiced in the introductory class and adds sutural releases for the frontal, parietal, temporal, mandible and sphenoid bones. Craniosacral 2 further develops and hones techniques learned in the both introductory and CS 1 classes to show more intricate and subtle work with the sphenoid (known as the keystone of the cranial floor because it articulates with all other cranial bones, holding them together) while adding in intraoral work on the hard palate and vomer. To inquire about private tutoring for 1 or 2 people or booking a class for 4 or more people CLICK HERE.