Foundations of Polyvagal Theory (and understanding Neuroceptive and Interoceptive Clues for Treatment – 3 hour ZOOM interactive class, OBMT approved for 2 CEUs in Ethics and Communications and 1 CEU in Anatomy and Physiology

Course Description:  Polyvagal Theory adds a layer of complexity and richness to the LMT’s understanding of the Stress Response.Physiologically speaking, stress is expressed as the rate of wear and tear on the body.  Hans Selye defined stress as a physical response to any unusual demand placed upon it to adapt. The demand/threat can be Real (from an external source, like a wild animal attack) or Imagined, which means it can originate within the body (e.g., Pain)

  • Fight or Flight response (Walter B. Cannon)
    • Muscles tense
    • HR increase
    • stroke volume increase

Stress is how a body responds to a threat, in a similar way to how the immune system fights off bacterial and viral infection in a sore throat.  It is a natural part of healing but unchecked, the stress response leads to additional tissue damage, which can lead to more Pain. This is why it is important to reduce stress for pain patients: an incorrect assessment and course of action can interfere with or prolong the natural healing process.

Once stress is identified, treatment techniques and homework/self-care can be optimized.  Massage therapists who complete this class will understand stress in its relationship to Pain.  Armed with solid information together with patient input, therapists become better equipped to optimize function and quality of life for individual clients who are experiencing Stress, Trauma, and Pain. To purchase and sign up to obtain the Zoom link for this class CLICK HERE.