What is Clinical Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a safe and effective tool for easing life change and personal growth. Hypnosis enables you to bypass conscious resistance and game playing to go directly to the source of an issue. It is a natural form of relaxation and awareness focusing where you enter an altered state of consciousness.
What is it like to be hypnotized?
Watching a movie, driving by an exit, daydreaming – these are times in a normal routine when “you” have been in a light trance or altered state. Many people experience hypnosis as though they are in two places at once – aware of sounds outside and inside the room, while also receptive to inner memories, sensations and visions. The common myth that hypnosis takes you “someplace else” where you cannot remember anything once you “wake up” is false. In trance, you are aware and in control at all times. You can remember everything that happens in a hypnosis session.
“Marian eases you into hypnotic journey so you are comfortable, safe and relaxed. She is perceptive and intuitive to verbal and non-verbal cues. Her voice and demeanor are calming, supportive and non-judgmental. Marian has a palpable presence; she is empathetic, knowledgeable, she listens and is masterfully adept at sensing where you are, where you are coming from, and where you wish to be.” – Danielle Quast, L Ac

Benefits of hypnosis
Patients report hypnosis to be extremely helpful for anxiety, improving relationships, changing your relationship with food, and removing other blocks to creativity and prosperity. I am continually astounded by the creative solutions my clients have found in their hypnotic journeys. Hypnosis can provide:
Pain and Stress Relief
Rapid Healing
Enhanced Self Confidence
Release of stuck or blocked Patterns
Future Options and Prosperity Exploration

NOW Offering safe private ZOOM interactive Hypnosis at a discount. ($95 per session – varies from one to one and a half hours).
Interactive Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to reduce the stress, pain, anxiety, fear, or anger within and around us. Anxiety affects pain and stress levels and the ability to heal. With Hypnosis, you can work directly with a painful issue and find out what it needs. Hypnotic journeys provide the opportunity to transform old stuck patterns of thinking, feeling, behaving and relating to others.
My favorite wise healer & teacher, Marian Wolfe Dixon, offers Zoom hypnotherapy & we did a session. This is the type of hypnotherapy where you are communicating and remember everything, it worked remarkably well over ZOOM! The session felt really healing, like my body was able to find ways to reset, & last night I slept better than I have in months!! – R. Minifie, LMT
In-person sessions are an option (FOR CLIENTS WITH PROOF OF VACCINATION ) $160 (check or cash only or prepaid with PayPal)
Please allot one and a half to two hours for intake, induction, journey and debrief.
Drink plenty of water and plan a light day after session to process the insight and shifts attained in your hypnotic journey.
Call 503-232-7282 or CONTACT ME for a free fifteen minute consultation to determine if clinical hypnosis is right for you and check out my REFERRAL PROGRAM