“Marian is a miracle worker …easily the most talented, intuitive massage therapist I have ever known. I especially recommend her for troublesome or stubborn conditions such as a sports injury or chronic pain. She resolved an ankle issue that confounded physical therapists and doctors for years!” – David Billstrom

Benefits of Medical Massage and Bodywork
Relieve pain and inflammation
Speed healing
Improve sleep quality
Reduce anxiety, stress and depression
Reduce need for medications
Recover from surgery, interventions faster
Palliative care – improve quality of life
Coordinated care for complex conditions
Advanced Bodywork Therapies (accepting new clients with triple vaccination proof):
CranioSacral – ($125 per 90 minutes) Gentle yet powerful therapy, especially effective in releasing neck and back pain, and mental stress. Precise touch optimizes cerebrospinal fluid flow around the skull and spine.
Myofascial Massage – ($125 per 90 minutes) I literally wrote the book on Myofascial Massage. Myofascial bodywork can improve chronic inflammation, habitual postures and old traumas that have not resolved through ordinary massage.
Lymphatic Drainage – ($125 per 90 minutes) LD gently and rhythmically moves lymph to promote rapid post-op recovery, injury rehabilitation, surgery prep by reducing swelling and discomfort and strengthening immunity. LD facials hydrate the skin, rejuvenate underlying tissues and accelerate the appearance of youthful vitality.
Visceral manipulation – ($125 per 90 minutes) Frees organs (viscera) that have become anchored to internal cavities or rendered immobile by fascial (connective tissue) tension. Very helpful for PMS, constipation, bloating and other digestive and hormonal issues.

ONLINE Medical Massage/Bodywork and Medical Qigong Movement Coaching:
One-on-one ZOOM coaching (foam rolling/self-massage/Qigong) – I have been teaching manual therapy and self-care techniques for 30+ years and offer customized and facilitated sessions where you learn to place and manipulate your hands, foam rollers or other massage tools to address specific needs. Together we figure out the most effective way to stretch or strengthen a muscle, soften fascial adhesions, increase ROM, or stimulate lymphatic flow to decrease inflammation and speed healing.
($65 per hour – private ZOOM session)

Focus on specialized conditions and populations:
Temporomandibular Joint (TMD) – ($125 per 90 minutes) Marian developed the TMD massage protocol for NIH research to ease jaw pain and restriction of TMD while deeply relaxing the whole person.
Multiple Sclerosis – ($125 per 90 minutes) Marian also developed massage guidelines for the MS Society of Oregon. Focus on increasing function, and alleviating pain and spasticity.
Cancer – ($125 per 60 minutes) Massage can profoundly influence healing, improve quality of life and restore lost function for cancer survivors. Medical massage can alleviate associated nausea, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, and pain for patients before, after and currently in treatment
Swedish/Energy Massage – ($125 per 90 minutes) Swedish Massage is relaxing and therapeutic. It makes use of an array of strokes such as rolling, kneading, and percussion to help the body improve circulation and relax. Relaxation leads to relief from aches and pains, decreased stress, enhanced mental clarity, improved appearance, and greater flexibility. (Infused with Reiki energy upon request.)
Infant and Child – ($65 per 15-30 minutes) Massage promotes healthy development and helps children to thrive. Recommended for all newborns, many children also show advanced growth and development of the brain and nervous system with Pediatric Craniosacral massage. Abdominal Lymph massage can soothe baby’s colic, strengthen a child’s immune system and improve sleep. Both craniosacral and lymphatic are profoundly helpful with ADHD, LDD and TBI’s.
Pre and Postnatal – ($125 per 90 minutes) Prenatal Massage releases pain and discomfort and helps a woman’s body adapt to dramatic physical and emotional changes. Postnatal techniques restore pelvic and lower or upper back health after the birth experience. Benefits include emotional support, relief of joint pain due to extra weight and postural imbalance, and improved breathing and relaxation.
Please Note: I only accept cash, checks and PayPal. Not accepting debit, credit, Square or venmo at this time. Note online discounts for classes, coaching, and hypnosis by ZOOM.
Please call 503-232-7282 or CONTACT ME for more information!