Pain and Research – 3 hour ZOOM interactive class
Course Description: Research has enhanced the credibility of massage in the eyes of the medical community, the insurance industry, and the general public. Students will be introduced to different types of research design, learn how to locate research articles on Pain and Massage, and develop critical thinking skills to incorporate research information into an evidence-informed massage practice.
Reading and understanding scientific and technical papers can be intimidating for LMT’s, who may be more comfortable with the “art” of healing than the science of data. The slow, tedious, and costly nature of research seems in contrast with LMT desires to implement treatments that they and their clients perceive as beneficial.
Yet, with increasing research in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), massage therapists have opportunities to become active in scientific research, either as clinical practitioners or research advisors, or documenting case reports and case series or from their own client base. To purchase and contact me to sign up for the Zoom link for this class CLICK HERE.
The focus of this class is on what works to improve client’s overall health, as no single treatment will likely have universal impact within a particular condition. Mixed-methods research allows iterative learning and improved practice standards – “Once we find out that something may or not work, we need to ask why – to go back to the practitioner or participants and talk.”
Upon completion of this class, LMT’s and students will be motivated and empowered to explore and share research on Pain and Massage with clients, colleagues, or other medical professionals (e.g., physician, ND, PT) on a health care team. To purchase this class for a group of 4 or more students, have each participant contact me to sign up for this class and CLICK HERE.