Online Interactive ZOOM Classes:
(Click on the Name for Descriptions)
Understanding Chronic Pain – 3 CE’s – ZOOM interactive (Accepted in Oregon for 3 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 3 CE’s)
Understanding Pain and Inflammation – 3 CE’s – ZOOM interactive (Accepted in Oregon for 3 contact renewal CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 3 CE’s)
Pain and Trauma – 3 CE’s – ZOOM interactive (Accepted in Oregon for 3 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 3 CE’s)
Pain and Research – 3 CE’s – ZOOM interactive class (Accepted in Oregon for 3 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 3 CE’s)
Pain and Stress – 3 CE’s ZOOM interactive (Accepted in Oregon for 3 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 3 CE’s)
Getting the Shame out of Pain – 3 CE’s – ZOOM interactive Video (Accepted in Oregon for 3 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 3 CE’s)
Moving from Helplessness into Hope – 3 CE’s ZOOM Interactive class (Accepted in Oregon for 3 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 3 CE’s)
Inquiring into Pain Stories – 3 CE’s ZOOM interactive class (Accepted in Oregon for 3 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 3 CE’s)
Body Based Trauma Relief – 4 CE’s ZOOM interactive (Accepted in Oregon for 4 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB approved for 4 CE’s)
Building your Ethical Body – 4 CE’s ZOOM interactive class (Accepted in Oregon for 4 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB approved for 4 CE’s in Ethics and Communications)
Foundations of Polyvagal Theory – 3 CE’s ZOOM interactive class (Accepted in Oregon for 3 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 3 CE’s in Anatomy and Physiology)
Trauma Informed Care – 3 CE’s ZOOM interactive class (Accepted in Oregon for 3 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 3 CE’s )
Creating and Reflecting on Boundaries and Inclusion – 4 CE’s ZOOM interactive class (Accepted in Oregon for 4 renewal contact CE’s and NCTMB Approved for 4 CE’s in Ethics and Communications)
Call 503-232-7282 or CONTACT ME to book a class for 3 or more people
International Pain classes in some topics are also available through Embodied Health Learning TV
Online Self-Care for LMT’s

One-on-one coaching in foam or ball rolling (self-massage) – I have been teaching detailed manual therapy techniques for 30+ years. The sessions are customized and facilitated sessions where you learn to place and manipulate your own hands, cups, gua sha tools, balls or foam rollers, or other aids to address tensions and patterns in the body. Together we figure out the most effective way to stretch or strengthen muscles, soften fascial adhesions or increase ROM. I can walk you through a Golgi Tendon Organ technique to release spasms or demonstrate how to “surf” and stimulate lymphatic flow to decrease inflammation and speed healing.
($65 per hour – private interactive ZOOM session)
Interactive Hypnosis is a wonderful tool to reduce the stress, pain, anxiety, fear, or anger that can arise when helping others all day. Anxiety affects pain and stress levels and your ability to treat effectively. With Interactive Hypnosis, you can work directly with a difficult issue and bypass the monkey talk that can confuse and distract you. Clinical Hypnosis can also transform stuck patterns of moving, standing and behaving. For Frequently Asked Questions about Hypnosis Click Here.

Hypnotic journeys help relieve anxiety, improve relationships, create healthier relationships with food, and remove blocks to creativity and prosperity.
($95 – private interactive ZOOM session – varies from one to one and a half hours).
Call 503-232-7282 or CONTACT ME to set up your private ZOOM link for hypnosis